Portfolio of Color Consultation Projects
Branding & Products
Philips Lighting
"The Color Experiment" - Documentation and video for how color affects the perception of temperature for Philips Lighting in Amsterdam
The North Face
Color specifications for athletic gear and search and rescue visibility
E-Z-GO Golf Cars
Color consultation for golf cars and utility vehicles
Product color specifications for indoor and outdoor waste receptacles
Dow Chemical
Product color design & consultation (electronic inks) for Aveso Displays
GE (General Electric)
Industrial color design - colors for a prototype unit
Eastman Kodak
Digital color consultation
Uson (Custom Test Systems)
Product color design - Vector series
Daiichi-Kogyo Co. Ltd -Kobe Japan
Logo / corporate identity color design
Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Color consultation for healthcare products and video
Tylenol, Ortho McNeil
Color specifications for "Extra Strength Rapid Release" Gel
Corvallis Clinic - Oregon
Color consultation for logo, web site, and other brand identity colors
Other Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Color specifications for OTC medications
Confidentiality agreements still in effect
UI/UX | Web | App Design
User interface design for Xerox printers and work stations
Nokia Mobile Phones - Tampere, Finland
User interface color design for the Nokia 9210 Communicator
North Dakota Department of Transportation
Color coding for maps
Architecture & Interior Design
The historical colors of plantation housing on the island of Kaua'i
Ewa Plantation Village
Historical Restoration, Hawaii
Kahuku Hospital, Hawaii
Village Gardens, California
Tolaini Residence, Bahamas
Download Colorcom - Jill Morton's Portfolio and Press Kit
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